Upcoming Events

What's on at the OU? As an OU graduate, you have access to a number of free, online events across your University. Here are the latest events you can attend. Just click on the links to find out more and save your place. We look forward to seeing you!

The 3rd Common-Good HRM International Conference 2025

Tuesday 11 March – Wednesday 12 March


Navigating Insecurities: Advancing Common Good HRM for Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Workplaces

This conference is hosted by: Common Good HRM Research sub-cluster.

Decolonial dreams: the unmarked scholar reimagines the purpose of post-16 education

Thursday 3 April, 17.00-18.15

Berrill Lecture Theatre, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA and online

In her inaugural lecture, Carol Azumah Dennis, Professor of Education, Policy and Practice in the OU’s Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies, will look at decolonising education, offering a manifesto which envisions an alternative vision of what the sector might be.

This lecture is based on Professor Dennis’s recent research, which looks at decolonisation and suggests a manifesto for post-16 education.

OpenMinds Live

Tuesday 29 April, 12.00-13.15


Join us for an exclusive Open University alumni event filled with fascinating speakers and expert academics from across your University – OpenMinds Live. This event will bring to life just some of the stories in the Open Minds magazine in an exciting live event.

There is plenty to look forward to in what promises to be a truly fascinating afternoon where we share some of the projects, research, and heartfelt stories from across our OU family.