Thank you for helping to change disabled veterans’ lives through education

From 1st to 8th December, the OU took part in the Big Give Christmas Challenge with the aim of raising £40,000 for Disabled Veterans' Scholarships. We are delighted to tell you that, thanks to the wonderful generosity of the OU family, we have reached our fundraising target in just 55 hours, raising over £44,000 towards the Disabled Veterans' Scholarships Fund (DVSF).

We are so grateful for your ongoing support and for the way the OU family has rallied behind disabled veterans so that more brave servicemen and women can rebuild their lives by accessing life-changing education. Here are just some of our current veteran scholars with messages on what being an OU student means to them:


The I can't tell you how much it means that someone like you has helped to fund my degree; to know somebody believes in me makes all the difference and gives me hope for the future. I know there are so many other disabled veterans out there who deserve the same gift of education. Thank you.  

OU student Daniel



The Disabled Veterans’ Scholarships Fund has offered me, and the other veterans, access to education that we wouldn’t get otherwise. I’d like to thank everyone who has supported the scheme and made this opportunity a possibility.  

OU student Andrew


The Disabled Veterans’ Scholarships Fund has given me the chance to get a fresh start and achieve something positive from the rest of my life: a fresh start, a new house and hopefully a new career doing something worthwhile. This is an amazing opportunity, it gives others a light at the end of the tunnel, the chance to retrain for a job that would bring meaning and a sense of purpose back to their lives. Thank you! 

OU student Steven


We are incredibly grateful and inspired by the overwhelming support of the OU family. Because of you, more disabled veterans will have the opportunity to rewrite their future by studying with The Open University. Thank you so much for helping to change lives. Your support will make the world of difference.

You can learn more about the DVSF and our ongoing scholarships here. 


Published: 09 December 2020