“Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”
“In 2008 my mum had an accident and suffered a severe brain injury and has had ongoing significant difficulties since. Six weeks before my Mum had her accident, she gave birth to my sister Poppy. I was 7 years old when my Mum had her accident and when Poppy was born. My dad has also been unwell, but he has always worked to support us financially.
“I’ve been a young carer since the age of 7 and I’ve assisted my Mum, Dad and also my younger sister who had autism and significant additional mental health problems, doing what they ask of me to help them. I learned to drive as soon as I could, and I’ve continued to help my family – in particular with driving my family to and from medical appointments and taking them to see family.
“I was very fortunate to be awarded one of the first Carers Scholarships by The Open University - I felt like I had won the lottery! However, two years into the programme I believe the award was better than winning the lottery, as it has provided me with a means of studying for a degree level qualification, in a subject of my choice, with flexibility around when and how to study, the opportunity to reduce and increase my studies to meet my own health and caring needs.
“It has been absolutely critical to me to have access to flexible education. This has allowed me to study while managing my other commitments and caring roles. This flexibility has allowed me to combine part-time work along with my studies, while also supporting Mum, Poppy and my Dad whose needs at the minute have been greater than ever. Since starting The Open University, I have had a number of health issues myself and I cannot stress the difference that flexible education has made to me over the course of the last 2 years. It has really allowed me to continue my studies and have stress removed from me from the support I have received from the OU - it has been second to none.
“I have had access to outstanding resources, outstanding academic staff and outstanding support staff. When I compare my experience of Primary, Secondary and Further Education to that of my studies with the OU, the OU is without question, the most supportive, diverse and encouraging.
“Since starting my course my own health issues have had many ups and downs, while my caring role has seen significantly increased demands at times. The OU have been very quick to respond and support in times of significant stress for me and my family.
How has the OU changed your life?
“I am now 50% through my degree in Mathematics and often have to pinch myself to believe that I am achieving this. Life as a carer is very hard and very often limits the opportunities for people in this situation. Carers often have higher costs and much lower income because of their situation. I would advise anyone in this situation to look at my story, believe in themselves, take the opportunity and apply for the scholarship.
“Once I qualify and graduate, I truly look forward to sharing and promoting the outstanding experience I’ve had with The Open University and also having the opportunity to apply for jobs and obtain employment at a higher and more responsible level than I otherwise would without the benefit of the OU and the degree I’ve obtained. Achieving my degree will open so many doors of opportunity that otherwise I would never have come across.
“To the donors of the scholarship, thank you from the bottom of my heart and from me and all of the other students in my situation who are now benefiting from this priceless scholarship. The Carers Scholarships Fund takes away the worry of student debt, and it encourages carers, young and old, such as me, to take other opportunities that come their way - improving self-esteem, the opportunity to meet some outstanding people, the opportunity to learn in a quality and recognised way and gain qualifications which will give access to much greater and wider opportunities in the future. It gives many carers an opportunity which otherwise would not have been possible. What the scholarship offers is a truly life changing, and truly invaluable opportunity and it reflects the values, kindness and difference that a combination of The Open University and the scholarship donors can bring together can bring to help others. So, thank you so much.”
Hollie is kindly funded by The CareTech Foundation