For over fifty years, The Open University’s (OU) open access policy and unique distance learning model has helped to break down the barriers that prevent so many students from achieving their ambitions. Yet there is still much more progress to be made. Year on year, evidence demonstrates that for certain groups of students, especially Black students, the playing field is simply not fair. Inequalities still exist across higher education and unless action is taken now, the Degree Awarding Gap, which puts Black students at a stark disadvantage, will only widen.

Our Solution

The OU is committed to driving change and ensuring that academic institutions remain inclusive and accessible for all members of society. We have extended our Open Futures Fund to include scholarships specifically to support Black students.

This fund has provided 97 scholarships to date, and will provide more scholarships to start study in Autumn 2024. This fund provides:

  • Scholarships for free OU undergraduate study – up to £25,000 per student restricted to:
    • UK resident who identifies as Black.
    • With a personal income of not more than £25,000 and with no existing higher education qualifications.

How your support can make a difference

The Fund will launch the application process for more scholarships in Spring 2024 to start study in Autumn 2024. Your support can help to ensure Black students from disadvantaged background succeed and access vital life-changing education.


The Black Students' Support Fund is kindly supported by

The Cowrie Scholarship Foundation
Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc
The Cyril Taylor Charitable Foundation
Thales Group UK

The Open University has numerous support programs addressing a wide variety of limitations or disadvantages that prospective students might face. For example, we offer financial support for carers, care-experienced learners, Black students and disabled veterans and those who are seeking sanctuary in the UK. We also offer the study-related costs fund, which is open to anyone on a low income. Information on all our scholarships and assistance schemes can be found here:

If you would like to set up a regular donation by direct debit, please call 01908 655 044 or email requesting a call.

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